App, Javascript, Web design
Designer and Developer
Strangelet Press
Strangelet was a bimonthly literary magazine of fantasy, science fiction, and magical realism. In addition to creating and co-managing the website, I was also one of its co-founders and managed the production of the books and ebooks. The website is strangeletjournal.com. The content manager and I also handled the updates to the site.
The website was built in Wordpress, using a child theme based on the theme Responsive.
Home page with call-to-action to view the current issue of the magazine. The image and banner would change based on the cover image for that issue.
The site is responsive.
The following three images show story excerpts on the website. The HTML for the excerpts is pulled directly from the ebook. I then created a separate stylesheet for the web edition of the excerpt.
Excerpt of story on a full width screen
Making the screen smaller allows the sidebar elements to fall away to the bottom of the browser screen
This was a test version for a distraction-free version of an excerpt. This is found at sample.strangeletjournal.com.