Crimson Romance is the romance line at Adams Media. This is an ebook-first series. For this series, I helped with a transition to a CMS-based workflow. I was the sole developer on this series during my time at F+W Media, with 2 to 3 titles being published per week.
Due to the quick turnaround with this series, I was presented with an interesting challenge. The CMS filled in the metadata fields for the EPUB export; however, since the content was outpacing the metadata for this fast-paced workflow, I had to enter in that information manually: the cover, author name, title, and ISBN. Initially, I set up a set of regexes that I would run upon opening the files, but eventually I created a Python script. The script is available here on github .
It’s also down here:
import re , zipfile , os , shutil
firstName = raw_input ( 'Author \' s first name: ' )
print ( firstName )
lastName = raw_input ( 'Author \' s last name: ' )
print ( lastName )
bookFolder = os . getcwd ()
for file in os . listdir ( bookFolder ):
if file . endswith ( '.epub' ):
foul = file
for file in os . listdir ( bookFolder ):
if file . endswith ( '.jpg' ):
isbn = os . path . splitext ( file )[ 0 ]
os . mkdir ( isbn )
zip_ref = zipfile . ZipFile ( foul , 'r' )
zip_ref . extractall ( isbn )
zip_ref . close ()
epub_folder = os . path . join ( bookFolder + '/' + isbn )
oebps_folder = os . path . join ( epub_folder + '/OEBPS' )
os . rename ( isbn + '.jpg' , 'cover.jpg' )
for file in os . listdir ( bookFolder ):
if file . endswith ( '.jpg' ):
coverImg = file
shutil . copy ( coverImg , oebps_folder + '/images' )
os . rename ( 'cover.jpg' , isbn + '.jpg' )
opf = open ( oebps_folder + '/content.opf' )
opf_contents = opf . read ()
opf = open ( oebps_folder + '/content.opf' , 'wb' )
opf_contents = opf_contents . replace ( ' \r ' , '' )
opf_contents = opf_contents . replace ( ' \r ' , '' )
opf_contents = opf_contents . replace ( ' ' , ' ' )
spine_regex = '<spine toc="ncx" page-progression-direction="ltr"> \n <itemref idref="toc" /> \n <itemref idref="(.*?)" /> \n <itemref idref="(.*?)" />'
spine_subst = r '<spine toc="ncx" page-progression-direction="ltr"><itemref idref="cover" linear="yes" /><itemref idref="\1" /><itemref idref="\2" /><itemref idref="newsletter" /><itemref idref="toc" />'
opf_contents = re . sub ( spine_regex , spine_subst , opf_contents )
metadata_regex = '<dc:identifier id="bookid"></dc:identifier> \n <dc:date>(.*?)</dc:date> \n <dc:rights></dc:rights>'
metadata_subst = r '<dc:date>\1</dc:date><dc:identifier id="bookid">' + str ( isbn ) + r '</dc:identifier><dc:creator id="mainauthor1">' + str ( firstName ) + ' ' + str ( lastName ) + r '</dc:creator><meta refines="#mainauthor1" property="role" scheme="marc:relators">aut</meta><meta refines="#mainauthor1" property="file-as">' + str ( lastName ) + r ', ' + str ( firstName ) + r '</meta><meta refines="#mainauthor1" property="display-seq">1</meta><dc:publisher>Adams Media</dc:publisher><dc:rights>WORLD</dc:rights>'
opf_contents = re . sub ( metadata_regex , metadata_subst , opf_contents )
opf . write ( opf_contents )
opf . close ()
nav = open ( oebps_folder + '/nav.xhtml' )
nav_contents = nav . read ()
nav = open ( oebps_folder + '/nav.xhtml' , 'w' )
nav_regex = r '<ol class="epub_landmarks" epub:type="list">'
nav_subst = r '<ol class="epub_landmarks" epub:type="list">\n<li><a epub:type="cover" href="cover.xhtml">Cover</a></li>'
nav_contents = re . sub ( nav_regex , nav_subst , nav_contents )
nav . write ( nav_contents )
nav . close ()
ncx = open ( oebps_folder + '/toc.ncx' )
ncx_contents = ncx . read ()
ncx = open ( oebps_folder + '/toc.ncx' , 'w' )
ncx_regex = r '<meta name="dtb:uid" content="" />'
ncx_subst = r '<meta name="dtb:uid" content="' + str ( isbn ) + r '" />'
ncx_contents = re . sub ( ncx_regex , ncx_subst , ncx_contents )
ncx . write ( ncx_contents )
ncx . close ()
def build_epub ( epub_name , dir ):
dir_length = len ( dir . rstrip ( os . sep )) + 1
with zipfile . ZipFile ( epub_name , mode = "w" , compression = zipfile . ZIP_DEFLATED ) as zf :
for dirname , subdirs , files in os . walk ( dir ):
for filename in files :
if not filename . startswith ( '.' ):
path = os . path . join ( dirname , filename )
entry = path [ dir_length :]
zf . write ( path , entry )
bookFolderName = os . path . split ( bookFolder )[ 1 ]
build_epub ( isbn + '_' + bookFolderName + '.epub' , epub_folder )
os . remove ( foul )
shutil . rmtree ( isbn )